Worcester Construction

Dublin Core


Worcester Construction


A look into how the pandemic affected the revamping of the infrastructure of Worcester.


Aaron Whitehouse

Collection Items

Construction Workers being COVID Tested
This image shows an example of the everyday process of testing construction workers for the COVID-19 virus. Although time consuming, it was effective in minimizing the effects of the virus on the job site.

Redesign for Kelley Square
This 3D model displays the redesign of Kelley Square to increase safety in the previously dangerous intersection.

Mid-COVID Workers at Polar Park
This image shows the workers of Polar Park wearing masks while they work in order to continue progress throughout the pandemic.

Polar Park upon Initial Completion
This image show's the park's completion with the surrounding area still under development.

The Halting of Production on Polar Park
This image shows when the lockdown started and Polar Park's progress was stopped.

Kelley Square Prior to its Redevelopment
This image shows Kelley Square as it was before the project to redesign it.

The Current Look of Polar Park
This image shows the completed Polar Park stadium as well as the surrounding areas that was able to be completed prior to opening day.

The completion of Polar Park
This picture displays the final realization of Polar Park the night before opening day for the WooSox.

Second Interview with Jacob Wizniewski
In this interview, Jacob Wizniewski talks about how his current company, Consigli Inc, was able to thrive through the pandemic and lockdown.

First Interview with Jacob Wizniewski
In this interview, Jacob describes his experiences not being able to start his job in the construction management field after graduation because of COVID.
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