Browse Stories (17 total)

Worcester public schools have around 2,000 homeless students and during the pandemic the schools are offering more services to these students.
Created By: Melissa Hanson; Contributed By: Melissa Hanson
Date: 12/17/2020


On Friday, March 13 2020, all Worcester Public Schools closed due to the rising concern and spread of COVID-19. This would mark the start of the pandemic's effects on education in Worcester.
Created By: Melissa Hanson; Contributed By: Melissa Hanson
Date: 3/12/2020


Over 100 teachers will not be returning to work in the Worcester school district. This is primarily because of budget cuts due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Created By: Michael Bonner; Contributed By: Michael Bonner
Date: 6/16/2020


Many kids in Worcester relied on school meals to be fed each day. While schools are closed during COVID-19, volunteers are distributing lunches and breakfast to kids across the city who need them.
Created By: Michael Bonner; Contributed By: Michael Bonner
Date: 3/25/2020


The Worcester School District sent out a warning to the families that received mobile wifi hotspots from the schools that they are a fire risk. The device could potentially overheat and cause a fire if left on too long. The school wants to collect…
Created By: Scott O'Connell; Contributed By: Scott O'Connell
Date: 4/16/2021

Head of Saint John's high school has already moved all students to be back in school and pushes for other schools to do the same. He believes that education is drastically better in person and thinks all schools should be returning to in-person…
Created By: Worcester Telegram & Gazette; Contributed By: Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Date: 2/23/2021


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